
React Native




: A Heartfelt Goodbye to Brightpod Last week, we made the difficult decision to shut down Brightpod. I was part of the team that …

: Fun Run I’ve read about people eagerly participating in marathon events around the world. Every day, …

: Showing up everyday I read this blog post today The unreasonable effectiveness of just showing up everyday and I liked …

: five years It’s been five years today since I moved to Australia. Five years since leaving friends and family …

: navigating tech choices I was recently asked to build a new web application. After having worked in the tech industry and …

: three eight Finally thirty-eight. I felt thirty-eight when I was a year younger, so it feels good to be the age …

: Aussie, Aussie, Aussie I remember handing in the permanent residence application for Australia on Feb 14, 2018. I remember …

: Embracing Change: Why I Like Slack's New UI When you don’t pay for the product, you are the product. Being a free user of Slack, I have …

: not all days are the same I want to return to this post occasionally, so this post is a self-reminder post. Not all days are …

: imposter syndrome It rarely goes away. Even after working in the industry for more than thirteen years, every time you …

: will miss you my friend I have had this post in my draft folder for over five months. Each time I started to write this, I …

: writing documentation Unless you are starting a personal project, the first thing you should be doing is writing a …

: when things don’t work Being part of the software industry for over fifteen years now, I understand that expecting your …

: thank you internet I should make this a regular post on my blog where I thank the internet and everyone who contributes …

: What an interesting moment. We’re staring at two distinctly different visions of the future. …

: wwdc Watching WWDC with a few friends is a yearly tradition. From watching it in person in Mumbai to now …

: software bug that made me cry Over the last 10-plus years, I have been responsible for and fixed many bugs in the software I have …

: Social Interactions and Bias After a fascinating meeting this morning, I could not help but think about different tones/ways of …

: we crashed we crashed has been on my watch list since the first time I heard about the tv show. Being down with …

: bookmarking is hard I enjoy visiting new websites. Twitter, Reddit, and Blog posts have supplied me with websites I can …

: Updating my resume I want to get back to writing here, but other things on the list always take priority over writing …

: scratch that itch You can plan all you want. You can fill out excel sheets or any other accounting software to budget …

: (draft) There has been one post in my draft folder for six years now. The day I had the thought was the day …

: three seven “we’re all alone. that’s why we have friends and family. so that loneliness is easier to take” …

: senior engineer I have never been into titles. I know why they exist, but I have never actively chased them. But on …

: micropayments For $25 you can buy a content passport. It’s available for purchase on any website that is part of …

: twitter This week has been fun in the Twitterverse, with Elon Musk now taking charge at Twitter. He fired …

: learning never stops. I never want to stop learning. Computers have always interested me since I first used them in 8th grade, from learning that …

: measure twice. cut once I am not sure why this title was the first thing I thought about when I started writing about …

: moonlighting This topic has been on my mind for a few weeks. It was either Wipro or TCS who first spoke up about …

: road trips I just returned from a road trip, and if someone asked me what the best way to travel around is, I …

: imposter syndrome A friend and I spoke at length about this feeling of being an imposter this week. We both have been …

: conversations which go everywhere Those have been my favourite type of conversations. First, you start chatting about how the day went …

: I miss writing I miss writing. I do. I keep saying this to myself, yet I don’t tend to take any action toward …

: last I checked Last I checked, it was January. Last I checked, I was curious. Last I checked, I had plans for …

: three six Wow! The counter does tick at a faster pace after thirty. I was going through my Timehop memories …

: a month long hiatus I did not want to miss writing here, yet here I am after a month-long hiatus of not writing any …

: apply Even if you don’t check all the boxes in the role requirement. Not many who apply for the role …

: remote teams Remote friendly is almost a requirement if you are looking to hire these days. I am all for remote …

: security is a requirement If your work involves running or being part of a software business, keeping it secure is almost a …

: a wall full of posters wake up in the morning, walk to the beach and swim in the ocean. hear sound of waves crashing from …

: change is difficult. is good. is constant. is sometimes needed. can sometimes be not what you want at this …

: write things down I used to document things a lot better before. I loved spending time writing down what went behind …

: developer preferences I read this post yesterday, Are software engineering “best practices” just developer …

: nothing matters I had this discussion with a friend a few months ago. On a sunny weekend, when life was not …

: the right gear I bought a road bike a month ago. Before buying the road bike, I told myself I would take it out …

: be nice or give feedback I wrote a few paragraphs “about me” last week. After I finished writing what I thought was the best …

: defaults matters As I decided to write about this topic, my mind told me that I had written about this before. As I …

: write more or write less I have wanted to write long-form content here. So this last week I was looking for topics, I could …

: fifteen plus years at a company A friend recently finished working for more than fifteen years at the company he works. He is still …

: we all have twenty four hours What did I do yesterday? Yesterday felt like a blur. When I started to think about everything I have …

: live takes practice I remember recording my first podcast episode last year. I re-recorded at least ten times. I knew …

: Do Less You don’t have to take action on every idea. You can make a decision without knowing every last …

: lists Until a certain number of items, lists are helpful. Are you launching something new or moving …

: why learn a new programming language? a friend asked me this yesterday. “why are you learning a new programming language?” I had to stop …

: What caused me to leave Facebook was a conversation I had with a friend in real life. I don’t …

: code shamed If your profession or passion involves writing code, this thought has entered your mind sometimes or …

: measure How many blog posts did you publish this week? How many steps did you walk today or this week? How …

: episode 3 Maybe these don’t need to be episodes. We never thought about the podcast having a season, yet …

: scary I sent this word to a friend twice yesterday as I saw a video he had sent. The video was of a person …

: habits I have been reading Atomic Habits for a few weeks now. If you are deciding on which book to pick up …

: its good to vent - 2 A follow-up post what I wrote yesterday. When I started writing down my thoughts yesterday, somehow, …

: its good to vent I came across this thread on Reddit this week. “Four more weeks. Fuck positivity, I’m starting a …

: developer ecosystem I was reading through The State of Developer Ecosystem 2021 yesterday. If you are a software …

: tribes I had almost two hours of discussion yesterday about tribe and its importance. I remember reading …

: breakups Breakups are hard. Having been through a few now, I only understand a few things of what it takes to …

: a routine? Do you have a routine? The first thing you do after you wake up? Is it different on weekends vs …

: well thought out software You can build software really quickly. Building well thought out, robust, well tested, performant, …

: the best thing that happened to you this week Before I went to get my coffee today, I was thinking about what to write about here. I must have …

: dont build to launch I had this talk for the second time this week. A friend wanted to build a learning management system …

: left behind When I was living in New Zealand, one of my flatmates wrote about the experience and thoughts of …

: episode 2 Sanat and I clicked the “Record” button and started talking about things we had in mind. …

: a week at home I have been busy the last few months. NSW, Australia, the state I live in, has been blessed to have …

: gamer gate A colleague recently spoke about how she enjoys spending hours together playing games. Most of these …

: integration test email #1 HBO Max yesterday got a lot of attention on social media yesterday after they sent out an email to a …

: podcasting I have been wanting to get back at recording the podcast I started last year during the lockdown. …

: hidden features If you use software long enough, you will see it evolve. There are changes made to the design, …

: not good enough I woke up with this thought yesterday morning. I have been doing a good enough job in one of my …

: broke the streak I wanted to keep my writing streak going and not have a break this year. Get up early on Saturday …

: cryptocurrency If you have been on Twitter a whole lot or have been following the news, you must have heard of …

: not complicated. simple web development, from what I read online, has become incredibly complicated. We have more compiler …

: new beginnings Two of my friends are getting married today to each other. A company that I love and closely work …

: fun. not all the time. If you have been around me and I am comfortable being around you, at some point or the other, I must …

: create an imperfect world and then improve it John Swartzwelder, Sage of “The Simpsons

: rigid “would things be different when you meet your friends and family after a long gap?” I …

: what if A recent tv show on Netflix has me hooked. what/if. It’s not the best show I have watched, but …

: in the air I have been thinking about the moment for more than a year now. Being able to travel again …

: something new A new language. Spanish or French? A new programming language. Go or Java? A new javascript …

: Programming Books Travelling an hour and a half to reach the nearest computer bookshop is one of my earliest memories …

: focus zone I remember trying out driving range at a golf course a few years ago. I remember only that. I don’t …

: when things go wrong I got a message today thanking me for keeping the web servers running well the last few months. …

: no internet I did not know what being anxious meant till I travelled to Andaman and Nicobar islands a few years …

: the boat is stuck Sanat sent me this blog post two days ago and said, I should use this as inspiration for one of my …

: more individual micro blogs Ideas improve when they build slowly. This constant quest for virality might make good ideas burn …

: Make that But if your music, your graphic design, your website–whatever your work is–isn’t resonating with the …

: the next five years If you have been part of an interview, this has to be a question that you have been asked. I …

: the reason why One of the things you will have to deal with when working on the web application is dealing with …

: love for maintaining software I am sure I have written about this before. I must have. After this post, I will write about the …

: chance to learn something new If you have been working on a product for too long as part of a small startup, maintaining the …

: none of your business None of your business I was reading through this page today and was quite impressed with how well …

: the unpopulars jQuery last week released an update to their framework—v3.6.0 with a few changes. I have not been …

: not everyone wants to work from home I would think everyone would want to. You save on travel time and get those extra few hours to …

: money isn't everything Someone I know recently said these words to me, and I have been thinking about it for two days. …

: user friendly I have been reading this book User Friendly How the Hidden Rules of Design are Changing the Way We …

: base project template I remember reading about it in one of the tweets a while ago. Having a base project template is …

: if not this, then what? I am sure you have been asked this question. If you have not been asked, I am sure it’s a question …

: cheat meal “Cheat day”. “This is my cheat meal”. I have heard these words more times in the last five years …

: one more thing to learn The goal was simple. I wanted to spin up a few servers, a database, a Redis server, an elasticsearch …

: taking care of your health? Are you? Are you taking care of your health? I remember being asked his question multiple times in …

: are you learning? Are you learning each day when you are at work? Maybe not every day, but getting to work with that …

: sleep I remember Jason Fried from Basecamp writing and tweeting a whole lot about the importance of sleep. …

: Why You Shouldn't Build a Mobile App Whenever I have to come up with an example of a cheap app that performs poorly, feels clunky, and …

: If you build backend programmer and I can get you to read one article today, let it be this one: …

: terraform I spent all of yesterday learning terraform. As much as I like PaaS products, all of them have that …

: intel evo It’s been a long time since I read about Intel processors. I remember being obsessed with …

: good apps developed in India Had a great conversation with a few friends today about how the Indian government was pushing for …

: cryptocurrency Money market investment has never been an area of interest to me. I understood the stock market …

: teeth care I sent this message to a few close friends two days ago. I was today years old when I tried …

: planning well before starting I remember having this discussion when initially building the last software project. We would start …

: hard to ignore You were once popular and had a lot of people wanting to keep up. Every new version you released, …

: something better You have been thinking about it in the back of your mind. the current thing you are working on, …

: deep work I remember reading parts of this book a few years back. My takeaway from the book was to have …

: clubhouse I have been hearing about clubhouse since a month now. Not having an invite meant that I could …

: missing home It is sometimes the smallest of things. Seeing my niece dance on WhatsApp while we have our weekly …

: there is always competition A new cafe opened its door where I currently live. There are already three cafes in the same street, …

: make the first experience memorable I enjoy trying out new apps on the web and the iPhone. As a developer, I am quite eager to see new …

: no one got fired for choosing react I Almost Got Fired for Choosing React in Our Enterprise App I just realized that React is not Java …

: learning something new I have been smiling ear to ear since yesterday evening. The reason? I can finally swim on my back. 🎉 …

: Feels great to recieve a post card in todays day and age. Thanks Mayur.

: avoid SQL joins I was a regular user of JOINs in SQL until I heard a podcast where the podcast people were …

: whats up I was chatting with a good friend today ( Hi Ram 👋), and he asked me what I was up to in life. I …

: work from home Most of us were forced to work from home last year. Very few had the opportunity to ease into this …

: regular improvements Software architecture decisions need to be reviewed from time to time. As your customer base …

: performance monitoring Besides building software and usability engineering aspects of computer science if I had to pick …

: signal As of today signal has been down for more than a day. New users signing up to use your service is …

: hardly training I have been quite regular with my gym visits for the last five months. I don’t remember the …

: code quality There is so much to write and talk about when it comes to code quality. If there was one topic I …

: long time listener first time caller I first heard someone says “long time listener first time caller” some six years ago in …

: comfortable with not knowing Not knowing something before walking into a meeting would scare me. I remember being terrified of …

: Rich Dad Poor Dad I spent two hours yesterday playing this game Cashflow Classic with a few friends. Rich Dad Poor …

: Async software development Instead of having meetings, people “talk” to each other via GitHub, Notion, and (occasionally) …

: Tried bouldering for the first time two months ago and was back for round two a few weeks ago. …

: camera shy I have never been in front of a professional video camera setup before. I have been part of various …

: learning rails I have been programming using PHP for more than a decade now. It was the first programming language …

: You ask, “Are you bored?” You ask, “Are you bored?” Even if you don’t have a gut feeling, it’s a good question to randomly ask …

: write more often I should make good on the part of my things to be better at this year “Write/share more often here.” …

: Apple M1 I have not missed an Apple Event about hardware releases for the last five years. I know I will not …

: New Ideas are always exciting 🙌🏻

: three five I thought I was running late to publish the birthday post I looked forward to writing each year, but …

: Soft Skills I often think soft skills don’t get talked about a whole lot. Was thinking about this last week and …

: Constant Improvement “We need to have this feature shipped next week”, “we got to add this feature the competition has, …

: Native apps Sketch published this blog post a few days ago. Why we’re proud to build a truly native Mac app. I …

: Daily commute My daily commute now includes 1 hour 20 mins train ride. 40 mins each way. In Mumbai, India, I would …

: Job you want two jobs from now My engineering manager James, asked me this question last week “What job would you want to do …

: More weekends like this too. Coffee, burger and writing code.

: Software pricing I have always thought what would make a really good pricing model for software, and after reading …

: I miss blogging and podcasting Not many people read this blog. I don’t write that often either. I should. I enjoy the process of …

: It's ok... I wish all companies followed this advice. Sadly I hear that not many do. “Clearleft working …

: Best Code is No Code At All I heard these words today. “Best Code is No Code At All” and I could not agree more. I had more …

: Working remotely COVID-19 is affecting almost everyone. A quick look at the stats here and the number of cases around …

: Current work from home setup Macbook Pro 13 inch - 2017 - without Touch Bar - with crappy keyboard Keychron K2 Wireless Keyboard …

: Less sugar Make 2020 the Year of Less Sugar was one of the few articles I read at the beginning of 2020. One …

: I’M NOT CRYING! YOU’RE CRYING! Found this really well made video here.

: Episode 1 I have been thinking about recording a podcast for almost a year now. Jan 2nd, I finally decided …

: Github Actions Following up on my previous post about Infrastructure as Code (IaC), I have been working with Github …

: Infrastructure as Code The last few months, I have had good discussions with a colleague at work about how infrastructure …

: Three Four I read this meme yesterday describing 2019. The first half of 2019 and the second half of 2019 felt …

: Vietnam - Want to travel for three weeks? Want to travel across Vietnam for three weeks? I remember these words from my conversation with …

: It doesn’t have to be forever And there’s the forever of never. The dominant narrative of society is that you’re stuck with what …

: VS Code I have been a long time TextMate user. TextMate was the first app I installed when I bought my first …

: Mardi Gras - Sydney 2019

: Week One 🇦🇺 How has your first week been in Australia? One of my close friends asked me this yesterday. He asked …

: New beginnings As I write this, I am waiting for my connecting flight from Hong Kong to Sydney. Somehow choosing a …

: When you love your work, the rest is easy.

: Change Almost at the end of the first month and 2019 promises to hold a lot of change in store. One of my …

: Almost feels like phi phi islands has an “need to have visible abs” requirement to get …

: Three Three I remember being sad when I turned thirty. I was not looking forward to turning thirty, but having …

: Working on my next blog post since 4 days now. Hoping to post it this weekend.

: The new iPad Pro looks so so good. Can definetly see myself using one in future. Now I wonder what …

: LetsEncrypt + Cloudflare Certificate Renewal I spent a lot of time today trying to renew a SSL certificate which used LetsEncrypt. The command as …

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