a week at home

I have been busy the last few months. NSW, Australia, the state I live in, has been blessed to have had no community cases the last few months. So being able to move around freely has been great. Between work, meeting friends for lunch or dinner, group fitness classes, gym, it has been great.

Due to the rise in community cases, a few suburbs in Sydney went into lockdown starting last night. Since I work in the city, this means not getting out of home for the next week other than for essential services. Back to working from home and how things were during the lockdown phase. Having lived through a similar experience before, it should be easy to train yourself to go back to not having to get through many things during the day. There is no schedule anymore for the weekend or the following week. Stay at home, read, learn, exercise indoors.

Quite excited about the following week. Build an iOS app being high on my priority list. I have wanted to build an iOS app for a few months now, and this downtime seems like the perfect opportunity to get started and make progress.

Sunil Shenoy @sunil
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