hardly training

I have been quite regular with my gym visits for the last five months. I don’t remember the last time I so regular with my exercise routine. It’s a good feeling. I don’t plan on stopping; I don’t want to stop. I am going extra hard with my exercises this year.

I joined a second gym this week to spend more time on weight training after office hours. As much as I enjoy functional training, I have been missing spending more time weight training. I have also been wanting to get back to swimming. All this starts next week: functional training plus weight training plus swimming.

It is going to be tiring. I have never put my body through so much before. But I am looking forward to it.

I talked with a trainer at the second gym this week and asked me what I wanted to focus on. I had not thought about this question for a long time. “Improving my stamina”.

I am looking forward to my training schedule for the next few weeks/months.

Sunil Shenoy @sunil
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