its good to vent - 2

A follow-up post what I wrote yesterday. When I started writing down my thoughts yesterday, somehow, the topic drifted from me venting towards sopranos. I am always fascinated with how the brain goes from one topic to the other. So I let the brain do its thing.

“four more weeks”. I had this rant with a few colleagues this week on a few zoom calls. I was done with the whole lockdown and being at home. I had done this before. Last year when Covid-19 made its way to Australia, NSW was not in lockdown. Everyone was encouraged to stay at home and stay at home, I did.

For three whole months. Alone in an apartment. It’s fascinating to see how your thoughts wander from one thing to another when you are alone in an apartment for three months. Yes, you have Zoom and Whatsapp calls, but that was not me. It worked the first month, but I was done depending on a screen to interact with people after a month. I was also done being at home all the time. I have never been the kind of person who stays at home for long.

This last year, I have hardly spent any time indoors. After last years experience of being indoors all the time, it was almost like I made a pact with myself to go exploring and visiting places / doing things as much as I could. And that I did to my heart’s content.

It was good, though, the first month of being indoors. I started on a positive note. “a week at home”. I got a whole lot of things done. I had plans for a week. When things did not work out well for NSW, I had plans for two weeks, and then three and four weeks. I could even make plans for what I wanted to get done in the next four weeks of being indoors. It’s just that I am tired of being indoors. I understand why the government is making us stay indoors, and I am more than happy to comply. It’s just that I cant wait to go outside, meet new people, exercise at my gym, visit new places.

Boy, it feels good to vent.

Sunil Shenoy @sunil
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